Frank Niemeir's Photography list


Camera refs

Product refs




Stock agencies




Fine Art


- contests




  1. 24 Hours in Cyberspace - was www.cyber24.com, put together by Rick Smolan of the "Day in the Life of" series in February, 1996. And MIT's "A Day in the Life in Cyberspace" was www.1010.org, which was held in October of 1995. And "24 Hours in Cyberspace" at Bradley University was www.bradley.edu/24hours, and "N Y C 24" produced by the New Media Workshop at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, at nyc24.jrn.columbia.edu/navigation/images/navigation.html is also sadly gone.
  2. Ace Camera - International photo magazine, last issue 2004, was www.acecam.com/magazine.html
  3. aCurator - by Julie Grahame, New York
  4. Adobe Magazine - last issue published end of 2000
  5. AG Editions - publications for editorial photographers and photo buyers
  6. Ahorn Magazine - last issue 2015
  7. Amateur Photographer -
  8. American Illustration and American Photography
  9. American-Journal - last post 2015, photojournalism, and twitter and instagram
  10. American Photo Mentor Series - by Thomas Niccum
  11. American Photo
  12. American Reportage - by Pete Marovich
  13. Antilipseis - Greek, 25 issues were published in the period 2005-2011. Stopped in 2013
  14. Aperture - fine art publications, and Aperature magazine
  15. Apogee Photo Magazine
  16. Art Papers - coverage of contemporary art/photo
  17. @tlas - Atlas magazine, last update 1997
  18. Behind the Shutter - O'Fallon, IL
  19. Berlin Photo - Germany
  20. Big Magazine - and twitter and instagram
  21. Bird in Flight - ezine about photography
  22. Bite! magazine - was bitemagazine.net, appears to be hijacked with nothing new since 2010
  23. Black & White - magazine
  24. Black and White World - by Mason Resnick
  25. Blackstar -
  26. Blind - photography at first sight, and instagram
  27. Blindspot - Brooklyn, NY
  28. British Journal of Photography - World's oldest photo magazine
  29. Burn - curated by David Alan Harvey
  30. Camera Obscura - Russian photo magazine
  31. Camerapixo -
  32. Canadian Geographic -
  33. Chambre Noire - France
  34. Chasseur d'Image - French
  35. Chimera Review - account suspended, was chimerareview.com, now hijacked
  36. Cicada Photography newsletter - was photography.cicada.com/news
  37. Clickin Moms -
  38. Communication Arts -
  39. Conscientious Photography Magazine - by Jörg M. Colberg, and twitter
  40. Contrasto - Italian
  41. Creative Monochrome - UK, closed
  42. Daylight Magazine - documentary
  43. Days Japan
  44. De L'Agenda de la Imatge - deactivated
  45. digit - from das Praxis, Germany
  46. eDIGITALphoto.com - digital photo mag - redirects to Shutterbug
  47. Digital Camera Views - The Netherlands
  48. Digital Camera World -
  49. Digital Directions - graphics and publishing industries
  50. DigitalFoto - closed, defunct
  51. Digital Foto - Sweden
  52. Digital Imaging Reporter - and twitter
  53. Digital Journalist - by Dirck Halstead, former TIME magazine
  54. Digital Outback Photo - Web Magazine for Quality Outdoor Photography using Digital Cameras
  55. Digital Photo Pro
  56. Digital Photography - by Charlie Morey
  57. Digital Photography & Imaging - digital photography, Australia
  58. Docu Magazine -
  59. Docunet - documentary photo webzine by Korean photographers
  60. Dodho - contemporary photography
  61. Double Exposure - since 2004
  62. Drone Aerial Photography Tips & Advice -
  63. Edit - by Getty Images
  64. Editorial Photographers - now part of American Photographic Artists, San Francisco
  65. editorialphoto.net - for photojournalists, domain for sale
  66. EOS magazine - Australia
  67. E-photozine - by Pete Bargh, UK
  68. Equivalence - European photography
  69. The Eye of Photography - Paris, France
  70. F8 mag
  71. F-Stop
  72. Filmmaker Magazine -
  73. Flak Photo - blogzine by Andy Adams, and flak.photo
  74. Foam - Netherlands
  75. Focal Point f/8 - digital and democratic journalism
  76. Focus Magazine - Amsterdam
  77. Focus - Netherlands
  78. FOTO8 - London, UK, by Jon Levy, In November 2012 they closed doors
  79. FotocineVideo - Italian photographic magazine
  80. Fotografi - Norway, Photography first published in 1967
  81. fotografie - Netherlands
  82. Fotomagazin - Romania
  83. Foto Mozaik - Budapest, Hungary
  84. Fotopolis - Poland
  85. Fotorevista.com - Spain
  86. Fotorevista.com.ar - Argentina
  87. Foto Room - was Fotografia Magazine fotografiamagazine.com
  88. Fotoshow -
  89. Fototapeta - Poland
  90. Fototrip - Poland
  91. Fotóvilág - Hungarian, and at fotomagazin.hu
  92. FotoVisura - and twitter
  93. Fraction - from 2019
  94. Frames - quarterly, 112 pages thick, printed photography magazine
  95. Futures - Europe-based photography platform
  96. Galli - photo essays emerging from India
  97. GEO Explorer - with some cool VRML
  98. GEO France -
  99. The Guilfoyle Report - marketing newsletter for nature and other editorial photographers and stock agents, was from ag-editions.com/report.html
  100. Hamburgereyes - San Francisco photo mag
  101. Image - magazine dedicated to historic photography
  102. Image - Finland
  103. image press.net - Korea
  104. Imagenlatina -
  105. Imaginginfo.com -
  106. Imaging Magazine - by Fujifilm
  107. International Journalism - from the Univ. of FL
  108. Internet Photo Magazine Japan
  109. Irish Photography Monthly - domain hijacked, was www.irish-photo.com
  110. Ittaphoto - Photography Electronic Magazine, México
  111. Jay Peg's Photo Pub - by Josh Raab
  112. Journal - by Getty Images
  113. Journal e - now named Musarium
  114. JPG magazine - domain hijacked, was www.jpgmag.com by Derek Powazek and Heather Powazek Champ
  115. Kamera & Bild - Sweden's most respected photomagazine, and twitter
  116. Kamera-lehti - Finland magazine
  117. Kit & Caboodle -
  118. La Fotografia -
  119. Geoff Lawrence - Photography Tutorials & Tips
  120. Layers Magazine - everything Adobe
  121. Leica Fotographie International - Germany
  122. Lens Culture -
  123. Lenswork - quarterly magazine
  124. LetsGoDigital
  125. LIFE - magazine, was lifemag.com
  126. Light Stalking -
  127. LPV magazine - founded by Bryan Formhals
  128. Looking Glass
  129. Lunatic - creative contempory photojournalism
  130. The Master Photographer - UK
  131. Midwest Photoshopper - monthly newsletter dedicated to buying, selling, and trading used collectible cameras & images by Marvin H. Olsen, Lakewood, WA
  132. Minolta Image - UK, hijacked, was www.freelancephotographer.co.uk/mi
  133. Mirador Magazine - New Media Journal
  134. Mooncruise - featuring photography and music
  135. Musarium - last entry 2003, was www.musarium.com formerly journale.com
  136. N Photomag - for Nikon users
  137. Nadir - Italy
  138. National Geographic - and their photographer's page and blogs and
  139. The National Museum of Photography, Film and Television - Bradford, UK
  140. Nature Photographer - Nature Photographer magazine
  141. Next Level - UK
  142. Nikon Photo World -
  143. Nikon Web Club -
  144. Nikonian
  145. Norwegian Journal of Photography -
  146. Nueva Luz
  147. Olympus PEN e-mag - UK
  148. Omnicon - Madrid, Spain
  149. Once Magazine - August 2012 final issue, was oncemagazine.com
  150. One Digital Day - from Intel was www.intel.com/OneDigitalDay and the www.OneDigitalDay.com folks at Against All Odds Productions domain now for sale
  151. 121 Clicks - portal dedicated for arts & photography
  152. 1000 words photography - Barcelona
  153. Online Photography - Fine art photography e-zine
  154. Outdoor Photographer -
  155. Outoffocusmag - Sweden - discontinued 2010
  156. Overflight Stock -
  157. Paris Match -
  158. Paris Photo -
  159. PBase - magazine
  160. Petersen's PHOTOgraphic - reviews from 2020
  161. Phenomena - National Geographic
  162. Phenomenon Quarterly - Netherlands, and twitter
  163. Photo Archive News - covering news from photographic libraries, agencies and collections
  164. PhotoArts - Fine art photography
  165. Photocolumn.org - edited by Gerik Parmele
  166. Photo District News - PDN ceased publication in February 2020, and twitter
  167. and their Photosource and now at pdnonline
  168. photo-eye - Santa Fe
  169. photodocument.pl - ezine out of Europe, Poland
  170. PHOTO>Electronic Imaging - PPA's wonderful monthly magazine, last issue 11/2004, merged into Professional Photographer, was www.peimag.com
  171. Photofocus - by Scott Bourne, Gig Harbor, WA
  172. PhotoInsider
  173. Photo Life
  174. Photomonitor - magazine
  175. Photonews - Hamburg, Germany
  176. www.photo-on-pc.com hijacked, was digital photography guide
  177. Photo Resource - closed, was www.photoresource.com
  178. The Photo Review - Langhorne, PA
  179. Photograph Mag -
  180. Photographic @ge
  181. Photographie - France e-zine, and chanson.com
  182. Photographer.Ru - Russian
  183. Photojournale - Australia
  184. Photo Raw - Helsinki, Finland
  185. PhotoSecrets - travel guides for travel photography
  186. Photoshop News - last entry 2008
  187. Photoshop User - formerly known as National Association of Photoshop Professionals
  188. Photo Sights -
  189. Photo Techniques -
  190. Photo Trade News - business journal for the imaging market
  191. Photograph America -
  192. Photographic@ge.com
  193. Photography and Digital Imaging
  194. Photography International - New Zealand
  195. Photography Monthly - UK
  196. Photography Review -
  197. Photovision - last issue Nov/Dec 2003
  198. Picture This - from California Photographers
  199. Piel de Foto
  200. Pilot - ezine photographer resources, New Zealand
  201. PixelPress -
  202. Polka - Paris, France photography magazine
  203. Popular Photography -
  204. Practical Photography - see E-photozine above
  205. Private - Italy, now privatephotoreview.com
  206. Pro4uM - by Kirk Voclain
  207. Professional Photographer - from Professional Photographers of America
  208. Professional Photographer - UK
  209. Profifoto -
  210. Proof - National Geographic
  211. Rangefinder - magazine, and rangefinderonline
  212. Reading the Pictures -
  213. Reflex - Italian photo magazine
  214. Reflex publications - by Jen Weisel
  215. Reportage - online ezine of photojournalism, last issue 2002
  216. Revista Foto - Spain
  217. Revue - Paris
  218. Salt magazine - from the Salt Documentary Field Studies, Portland, ME
  219. San Francisco Camerawork -
  220. SeeSaw magazine -
  221. Shutterbug - magazine
  222. SLR Lounge
  223. Snaps Magazine - by Clay Jackson, Danville (KY) Advocate-Messenger
  224. Source Photographic Review - UK/Ireland
  225. South [x] Southeast photo magazine - by Nancy McCary, est. 2011
  226. Sports Shooter - on hiatus, by USA Today's Robert Hanshiro
  227. Start! - Spanish magainzine about arts on the Internet
  228. Stock Photo Secrets - digital magazine dedicated to the stock photography industr, Cologne, Germany
  229. Street Photography Magazine - by Bob Patterson
  230. Temporal Image -
  231. Themes - a bimonthly documentary photography magazine edited by John Vink
  232. Times Journal of Photography - Kandivli, Mumbai
  233. UK Wildlife Photographers
  234. Underwater Photography
  235. Urbanautica - contemporary landscape photography
  236. U-Turn - e-zine & monograph series
  237. Verve Photo - created by Geoffrey Hiller, closed in 2105
  238. Videography Online - a partial electronic version of the print magazine
  239. View - Brussels, Belgium
  240. View Camera - magazine, no longer published
  241. Visual Diaries - edited by Cary Conover
  242. Visura Magazine - and twitter
  243. VRMAG - for all things panorama
  244. The Walkley Magazine
  245. Web PHOTO - from photo.fr France
  246. What Will You Remember? - by Elin Spring
  247. Whiteink - documentary ezine
  248. Wildlight - The e-journal of Outdoor Photography
  249. worldfoto.org
  250. World Photo
  251. World Press Photo Education Online Magazine - from 2011
  252. ZeroZine - was www.zerozine.com
  253. ZoneZero
  254. Zoom International
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e-zines | stock agencies | newsgroups | studios-commercial | dealers-stores
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Copyright © 2025 Frank Niemeir
E-mail frank.niemeir@gmail.com