Frank Niemeir's Photography list


Camera refs

Product refs




Stock agencies




Fine Art


- contests



Camera stores

  1. Abbey Camera - Philadelphia, PA - closed door in 2002, was abbeycamera.com
  2. ABC Photocolour - Vancouver, BC
  3. Abe's of Maine - since 1979
  4. Ace Cameras - Bristol, UK
  5. Ace Photo - Sterling, VA
  6. Adorama - New York
  7. Advanced Photo and Imaging - Atlanta, GA
  8. Alkit Professional Lab - New York, NY
  9. Allen's Camera - Levittown, PA
  10. American Fast Photo and Camera - Cartersville, GA
  11. American Photo Restoration - Hollywood, Calif.
  12. Anacortes Telescope and Wild Birds - Anacortes, WA
  13. Andrew's Analog Service Center - founded in January 2019 at www.needfilmdeveloped.com
  14. Antique Cameras - Boston, MA
  15. Aperture - London, UK
  16. Aperturent - Atlanta, GA, Dallas, Washington, D.C., lens and camera rentals, also atlantalensrentals and twitter
  17. Archival - archival products
  18. Arlington Camera - Dallas, TX, and twitter
  19. Arsenal Photo - collector service, Germany
  20. Artography Labs, Inc. - Baltimore, MD
  21. Authorized Photo Service - Morton Grove, IL, NPS
  22. B & H Photo - New York, NY
  23. Bare Walls - photos, posters
  24. Barron Photografix - Ft. Worth, TX
  25. Bay Photo - Santa Cruz, Calif.
  26. Beach Camera - Green Brook, NJ
  27. Bear Images - Palo Alto, Calif.
  28. Beau Photo Supplies Inc. - Vancouver, BC
  29. Beco - Reykjavik, Iceland
  30. Bedford Camera & Video - was Epperson Photo Supplies, Oklahoma City, OK/Springfield, MO/Springdale, AR, Overland Park, KS, and instagram
  31. Bel Air Camera & Video - Westwood Village, Calif., closed 2015 after 58 years, was belaircamera.com
  32. Bellows Film Lab - Atlanta, GA, and bellowsfilmlab
  33. Bergen County Camera - Westwood, NJ
  34. Berger Brothers - Syosset, NY
  35. Bernie's Photo Center - Pittsburgh, PA
  36. Berry and Homer - Philadelphia, PA
  37. Biggs Camera - Charlotte, NC
  38. BKA (Brandess-Kalt-Aetna) Photo - Vernon Hills, IL
  39. BPD Photech - Warrington, Cheshire, UK, redirects to www.photech.co.uk
  40. Dan Black Leica - Narberth, PA, was www.danblackleica.com
  41. Black Rabbit - videos and books on outdoor photography
  42. Black River Imaging - Springfield, MO
  43. Blue Moon Camera and Machine - Portland, OR
  44. Bluewater Photo - Santa Monica, Calif.
  45. Blurb - photo books
  46. Borrowlenses - San Carlos, Calif.
  47. Bostick & Sullivan - photographic materials and chemicals for alternative photographic process, Sante Fe, NM
  48. Boston Photo Rental - Somerville, MA
  49. BPW Ltd - Culver City, Calif., collectible and used
  50. Brenner Foto Versand - Germany
  51. Bristol Cameras - UK
  52. Broadway Photo - Brooklyn, NY
  53. Broken Camera - Chatsworth, Calif., now Picture Perfect Unlimited
  54. Bromwell's - large format cameras & accessories, Pittsburg, PA
  55. Brooklyn Camera Exchange - NY
  56. Brooklyn Film Camera -
  57. Brooklyn Storefronts - photos by Don Wiss
  58. Burrell Imaging - Crown Point, IN, closed Feb. 2016, was burrellprolabs.com
  59. Butterfly Photo - Brooklyn, NY
  60. BWC Photo Imaging - Dallas, TX
  61. California Precision Service - camera repair
  62. Calumet - Escondido, Calif., closed 3/13/2014 was www.calumetphoto.com
  63. Calypso Inc. - Santa Clara, Calif.
  64. Camera Company - Madison, WI
  65. The Camera Doctor - Decatur, GA, thecameradoctor.com domain for sale, formerly Jack's Cameras
  66. Camera & Darkroom - Albuquerque, NM
  67. Camera Heritage Museum - Staunton, VA, by Dave Schwartz
  68. Camera Quest - used and collectible cameras, by Stephen Gandy, Los Angeles
  69. Camera Repair Japan - repair shop, Peachtree Corners, GA, was camerafix.com
  70. Camera Service Co. - Atlanta, Ga
  71. The Camera Shop Muskegon - Muskegon, MI
  72. The Camera Store - Calgary
  73. Camera Shop Inc. - part of Ritz Camera, was camerashopinc.com
  74. Camera World - Portland, OR, redirects to Ritz
  75. Camera World - London, UK
  76. Camerabooks - Boulder Creek, Calif.
  77. Cameragraphics - Auburn, AL, since 1974
  78. Cameraland - Sandton City, South Africa, and twitter
  79. CameraOne - used cameras, Bradenton, FL, was www.cameraone.com
  80. Cameras Brookwood - Birmingham, AL, closed, was www.camerasbrookwood.com
  81. Cameta Camera - Amityville, NY
  82. Camren Photographic Resources, Inc. - Denver, CO, closed January 2019
  83. Candid Color Systems - Oklahoma City, OK, was Candid Cameras
  84. Canoga Camera - closed, established in 1959, Canoga Park, Calif., was www.canogacamera.com
  85. Canterbury Camera Centre - Kent, UK
  86. Canvas Discount - prints
  87. Capital Camera - Brooklyn, NY, est 1998
  88. Capitol Camera - Austin, TX, closed
  89. Carmarthen Cameras - Carmarthenshire, Wales
  90. Cathay Photo Store (Pte) Ltd - Singapore
  91. CDRS-LA - Santa Monica, Calif.
  92. Central Camera - Chicago, and central-camera
  93. Central Color - Paris, France
  94. Century Photo - formerly 20th Century Photo
  95. Charlotte Camera - Charlotte, NC, was charlottecamera.com
  96. Chestnut Hill Camera Shop - Philadelphia, PA, was www.chestnuthillcamera.com
  97. Chicago Canvas - Chicago, IL
  98. Clifton Cameras - Gloucestershire, UK, and twitter
  99. Color Services - Santa Barbara, Calif.
  100. Colour 101 - Atlanta, GA
  101. Color Unlimited - Minneapolis, MN
  102. Colorchrome, Inc. -
  103. Colorchrome Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
  104. Colorfolio - Bob Cornelis, Sebastopol, Calif., retiring June 1st, 2017
  105. ColorVision - Lawrenceville, NJ, now called DataColor
  106. Columbus Camera Group - Columbus, OH, semi-retired
  107. Competitive Cameras - Dallas, TX
  108. Concord Photo Service - Concord, NH
  109. Connecticut Photographics - Danbury, CT
  110. Continental Camera - Buffalo, NY, closed Sept. 2016, was continentalcamera.com
  111. Bryan Cowley Photographics - Kent, UK
  112. Craig Camera - Torrington, CT, instruction manuals, "I will be taking down the website by the end of March" 2021
  113. Crest Photo Labs, Inc. - was crestphoto.com, now called JD Lab, Flint, MI
  114. Crick Camera - Kansas City, MO, closed after 70 years in Jan 2017, was crickcamera.com
  115. CRIS - Chandler, AZ
  116. Cromalite - Barcelona
  117. Cushing - Chicago, IL, printing
  118. Custom Color - Lenexa, KS/Kansas City, MO
  119. Cuztom - imaging lab, Santa Ana, Calif.
  120. CyberPhoto - Sweden
  121. D & M Imaging - Crown Point, IN
  122. d-store - East Norwalk, CT - closed, was www.d-store.com
  123. Dallas Camera - Dallas, TX - closed, was www.dallascamera.com
  124. Dan's Camera City - Allentown, PA
  125. Darkroom Innovations - Fountain Hills, AZ
  126. The Darkroom - Woodland Hills, Calif.
  127. Darkslide Film Lab - Bridgeport, CT
  128. dcam - Russia
  129. Desktop Darkroom - Jacksonville, FL
  130. D'Image - photography services prints and enhancements from 35mm film
  131. Diabolaget Photo Lab - Sweden
  132. Digital Arts Studio - Atlanta, GA, est 2003
  133. Digital Camera HQ - Consumer Electronics HQ, Inc., Needham, MA
  134. Digital Labrador - Kansas City, MO, closed, was digitallabrador.com
  135. Digital Picture - Atlanta
  136. Digital Room - 4 Color Digital Printing Services - Los Angeles, Calif.
  137. dipinto - Warwickshire, UK
  138. Dodd Camera - Cleveland, OH/Chicago, IL, and doddcamera
  139. Downtown Camera - Toronto
  140. dr5 - B&W transparencies, New York City, NY
  141. Dugal Digital Industries - photographic & imaging services, New York, NY
  142. Dunwoody Photo - Dunwoody, GA
  143. Dury's - Nashville, TN, established 1882, closed March 2020, was www.durys.com
  144. Dwayne's Photo - Parsons, KS
  145. E-Six Lab - Atlanta, GA, closed 12/31/2012 after 33 years
  146. East Coast Photo - Brooklyn, NY
  147. Eight Elm Photo - Toronto
  148. Electric Avenue - Miami, FL
  149. Elite Photo - one of the largest chains in Norway
  150. Elka Color - Belgium
  151. Epperson Photo - Oklahoma City, OK
  152. e-prints - Johnston, RI
  153. Evercolor - Worcester, MA
  154. Express PhotoLab - West Allis, WI
  155. Expressway Cinema Rentals - Philadelphia, PA
  156. EZPrints
  157. F8 Rentals - Washington, D.C. and Reston, VA, and twitter
  158. F-Stop Camera Shop - Columbia, SC, closed doors July 16, 2011, was fstopcamerashop.com
  159. Family Photo and Video - Brooklyn, NY
  160. Farnes - Oslo, Norway
  161. Fast Foto Film Lab - Bloomington, MN
  162. The Film Lab - Portland, OR - closed
  163. Film Rescue - Westby, MT
  164. Film/Video Equipment Service Company - Denver, CO - going out of business
  165. The Filter Connection - Columbia, CT, and 2filters
  166. Fixation - London
  167. Flash Centre - UK lighting specialist
  168. Focus Camera & Video Store - merged with Honest Abes, Brooklyn, NY, est 1966
  169. 42nd Street Photo - New York
  170. Forest Camera Repair - Hendersonville, TN
  171. Fort Worth Camera -
  172. FOTO/C - C/AV, Copenhagen, Denmark
  173. Fotocare - New York, NY
  174. Foto-Erhardt - Germany
  175. Foto Forum - Andernach, Germany
  176. Foto Import - Norway
  177. Foto Kiekie - Amsterdam, Netherlands
  178. Foto-Nona - Helsinki, Finland
  179. Fotopanorama - Poland
  180. Foto Škoda - Prague
  181. Foto Source - Mississauga, Ontario
  182. Foto Source - Caledonia, Ontario
  183. Fotosense - UK
  184. Foto Video Rutten - Germany
  185. Foto Walser - Germany
  186. Freestyle Photographic Supplies - Los Angeles, Calif., and freestylephoto
  187. Full Color - Dallas, TX
  188. Stephen Gandy's CameraQuest - Los Angeles collectibles
  189. Adolph Gasser Inc. - San Francisco, closed 1950 - 2017, was www.gassers.com
  190. Gear Rental - Austin, TX
  191. Genius Versand - München, Germany
  192. George's Camera - San Diego, Calif.
  193. Glazer's Camera - Seattle, WA, and their workshops
  194. GoldenColor - Beverly Hills, Calif.
  195. Gordon Photo Service - Reno, NV
  196. Grays of Westminster - London, UK - Nikon gear
  197. Green Mountain Camera - South Burlington, VT
  198. S.K. Grimes - camera repair, Woonsocket, RI
  199. Hahn Photographic - Rochester, NY, closed June 2010, was www.hahnphotographic.com
  200. Harmon Photo - Orlando, FL
  201. Harmon's and Flair Pro Color Lab - Gainesville, FL
  202. Harold's Photo Centers - South Dakota
  203. Jonathan Harris - used cameras, London, UK
  204. Hawaii Camera - Honolulu rentals
  205. Helix Camera and Video - Itasca, IL
  206. Helix Photoart - Milwaukee, WI
  207. Henry's Camera - Toronto, ON
  208. Jeff Hirsch's Fotocare - NY, NY
  209. Holly Enterprises - flash repair, North Hills, Calif.
  210. Home Video Studio - video transfers
  211. Honest Abes - Brooklyn, NY, merged with Focus Camera
  212. Foto Henny Hoogeveen - Dutch
  213. Horizon Electronics - Canon and Nikon repair, Union City, Calif.
  214. Horn Photo Shop - Fresno, Calif.
  215. Houston Camera Exchange - Houston, TX, and hcehouston
  216. HP Marketing - Pine Brook, NJ
  217. Lionel Hughes - antique cameras, England
  218. Hunt's Photo & Video - Melrose, MA, and huntsphotoandvideo
  219. Huron Camera - was huroncamera.com - Jackson MI, Image Gallery Graphic Solutions
  220. The Icon - Los Angeles imaging lab
  221. Image Doctor - McDonough, GA
  222. Image Experts - Hollywood, Calif., was imagexperts.com
  223. Image Photo - Atlanta
  224. Image Pro International
  225. Image Science - Australia
  226. Image Tech - Oakland, Calif.
  227. Imagers - Atlanta, GA, digital output & production, bought out by Phase 3
  228. Images - Tucson, AZ
  229. Imaging Spectrum - digital dealer, Dallas, TX
  230. The Imaging Warehouse - darkroom supplies, UK
  231. Impact Photographics - photographic specialty items., Dallas, TX, est. 1990
  232. Indiaeye - Bangalore, India, photo restoration
  233. Internet Cameras Direct - UK
  234. Intro Photo - Berkshire, UK
  235. Isarfoto - Icking, Germany
  236. Ivey Seright International - Seattle, digital imaging
  237. Jack's Camera - Muncie, IN
  238. Jacobs - London, UK, closed
  239. Japan Photo - in Norway
  240. Jax Camera - Jacksonville, FL
  241. JD Lab - Bloomfield Hills, MI
  242. Jessops - UK
  243. Jiffy Photo Center and Framing - Ft. Pierce, FL, was closing 2020 after 60 years, and instagram
  244. JM Foto - Norwegian distributor of Metz and Tamron, domain parked
  245. Johnsons Photopia - UK
  246. Jone's Photo - Tucson, AZ, closed Feb. 3, 2023 after 75 years of business
  247. Jugend Bros' 2000 - established in 1938 in Tel-Aviv, Israel
  248. KB Camera - Etiwanda, Calif.
  249. K & M Camera - New York, NY
  250. Robin Kanta Camera Supply - Lompoc, Calif., was photofilter.com
  251. KEH - Atlanta, GA, camera brokers
  252. Keeble & Schuchat - Palo Alto, Calif., store closing Oct 29, 2016
  253. Kenmore Camera - Kenmore, WA
  254. Kerrisdale Cameras - Vancouver, BC
  255. KevinCameras - Los Angeles
  256. Kingsley Photographic - London
  257. Kirk Photo - Angola, IN
  258. Kleurgamma - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  259. Koh's Camera - North Bellmore, NY
  260. Kominek's - Toronto, "Technicians have retired or passed on"
  261. Kowasa - photography books, Spain
  262. Kurt's Camera Repair - San Diego, Calif.
  263. The Lab - Vancouver, BC
  264. Lee Gallery - buying and selling vintage photos, Winchester, MA, and instagram
  265. li>Leica Store India -
  266. Lens and Shutter - Vancouver, B.C. - closed, was lensandshutter.com
  267. LensProToGo - Concord, MA, merging Dec. 2017 with lensrentals.com
  268. Lensrentals.com - by Roger Cicala, Cordova, TN
  269. Levin Picture Frames - Paramount, Calif.
  270. E.P. Levine - Boston, closed, was www.cameras.com and www.eplevine.com
  271. Licht Zone - The Netherlands
  272. Ken Lieberman Photographic Laboratories, Inc. - fine art print lab, New York, NY, was www.lieberman-labs.com
  273. Light Impressions - The best archival store
  274. The LightRoom - Berkeley, Calif.
  275. Light Tec - Dallas, rental, was www.lighttec.com
  276. Logan Graphics - Wauconda, IL
  277. London Camera Exchange - London, UK
  278. Lone Star Darkroom - Dallas, TX
  279. Looking Glass Photo - Berkeley, Calif.
  280. Looking Room - Los Angeles, retouching, was www.lookingroom.com
  281. LPA Design - pocket wizards, flash wizard
  282. Madison Photo Works - Covington, KY
  283. MailShots - Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, UK
  284. Main Photo - Orange County, Calif.
  285. Matphot - Paris, France
  286. McKenna Pro Imaging - Waterloo, IA
  287. Memphis Film Lab - Cleveland, OH
  288. Memphis Photo Supply - closed, was memphisphotosupply.com
  289. Merchant City Cameras - Glasgow, Scotland
  290. Metro Imaging - UK
  291. Michaels Camera & Video - Melbourne, Australia
  292. Michigan Photo Company - closed, Saginaw, MI, was michiganphoto.com
  293. Micro Tools - camera repair tools (was Fargo Enterprises) Vacaville, Calif.
  294. Microglobe - London, UK
  295. Mid America Productions - Salina, KS
  296. Midlands Custom Photo Lab, Inc. - Columbia, S.C.
  297. Midstate Camera Repair - Warick, RI
  298. Midwest Camera Repair - Wyandotte, MI
  299. Midwest Photo Exchange - Columbus, OH and midwestphoto
  300. Mifsuds Photographic - Devon, UK
  301. Mike¹s Camera - Boulder, CO, and blog
  302. Miller's Professional Imaging - Columbia, MO
  303. Mimeo photos - photo books, calendars, etc.
  304. Modern Imaging - Belleville, MI
  305. Morco Professional Photographic Products - Nottingham, UK
  306. Morris Photographic Centre - Oxford, UK, closed June 2014, was www.morrisphoto.co.uk
  307. MPB Photographic - Brighton, UK
  308. Mpls Photo Center - Minneapolis, MN
  309. Murphy's Camera - Louisville / Lexington, KY, and instagram and twitter
  310. MyPhotopipe - Atlanta, print lab
  311. Nardulli Photo Labs - Hollywood/Santa Monica, Calif.
  312. National Camera Exchange & Video - Minneapolis, MN, also at natcam.com
  313. National Geographic Photographic & Digital Imaging Lab
  314. National Graphic Supply - Albany, NY, acquired by Pitman Co. in 2008, was ngscorp.com
  315. National Photos - Australia
  316. Nations Photo Lab - Owings Mills, MD
  317. Natural Color Lab - Randolph, MA
  318. The New Lab - San Francisco
  319. New York Camera - New York, redirects to www.digiwowo.com
  320. Newtonville Camera - Newton, MA
  321. Nice Film Club - film development and scanning
  322. Nordisk Film & TV - Denmark
  323. Norman Camera - Kalamazoo, MI
  324. North County Camera - Escondido, Calif.
  325. North Light Imaging Services - Chattanooga, TN
  326. North Tampa Photography - closed Jan, 2016, was www.ntphotodigital.com
  327. NuImaging Professional - Covington, KY
  328. Vic Oddens - London, UK
  329. Olde Photo Shoppe - restorations, Weirton, WV
  330. One Photographic - Dublin, Ireland, and twitter
  331. Oregon Camera World - mail orders
  332. Overland Photo - Overland Park, KS
  333. Overnight Prints - and twitter
  334. Pacific Rim Camera - collectable cameras, Salem, OR
  335. Palm Press - Concord, ME
  336. Pardee's Cameras - Sacramento, Calif.
  337. Park Cameras - UK
  338. Paterson Photographic - Tipton, West Midlands, UK, and was Douglasville, GA, and patersonphoto.co.uk
  339. Paul's Photo - Torrance, Calif.
  340. Peachtree Camera Repair - Marietta, GA
  341. Peak Imaging - Sheffield, UK
  342. Peartree Rental - London, UK
  343. Penn Camera - Washington, D.C.
  344. Peoria Camera Shop - Peoria, IL
  345. R.J. Phil - East Hampton, CT, printmaking
  346. PhillyPhotoSupply - Philadelphia, PA, was Mid City Camera www.midcitycamera.com
  347. phobo.com - by Ritz Camera
  348. Photo Access - Seattle, WA
  349. Photo Barn - Lilburn, GA
  350. Photo Craft Lab - Boulder, CO
  351. Photocreative - Mississaauga, ON
  352. Photo Expert - Delta, B.C.
  353. The Photographer's Studio - studio/darkroom rental, Atlanta, and their Meetup page and instagram
  354. Photography West - Kelowna B.C.
  355. Photo Images, Inc. - Flowood, MS
  356. Photographer's Edge - photo greeting cards, Colorado Springs
  357. Photopal - Middlesex, UK
  358. Photo Production Services - Charleston, WV. aquired by NuImaging Professional
  359. Photo Services International - Charlotte, NC
  360. Photojojo - started out as newsletter
  361. Photolab - Prahran Victoria, Australia
  362. PHOTOLounge - Philadelphia, PA, digital lab
  363. Photomark - Phoenix, AZ
  364. Photo Spot - Douglasville, GA
  365. PhotoTech Repair Service - New York, NY
  366. Photovillage.com - New York, NY
  367. PhotoVision - Swiss
  368. PhotoWorks - formerly Seattle FilmWorks, aquired by American Greetings Corp. 2008
  369. Picaboo - create photo albums
  370. Pictopia - Emeryville, CA, suspended its operations in March 2012
  371. Pictorem - large format printing
  372. PictureLine - Salt Lake City, UT
  373. Pilot Imaging - Rockville, MD
  374. Pitman Photo Supply - Miami, FL
  375. Pittsburgh Camera Exchange - store closed and online closed, on e-bay now, Pittsburgh, PA was pittsburghcameraexchange.com
  376. Plexail - a photo editing company
  377. Precision Camera and Video - Austin, TX, and instagram and twitter
  378. Precision Camera & Video Repair - Chicopee, MA
  379. Precision Drum Scanning - by Richard Kenward, UK
  380. Preus Foto - oldest film develop firm in Norway
  381. Printed Camera Manuals - St. Albans, UK
  382. The Printer of Dreams - London, UK, and twitter
  383. Printroom - prints from digital files Fremont, CA
  384. Printsplus - framing stores
  385. ProColor - Minneapolis, MN
  386. ProGear Rental - Chicago, IL
  387. Professional Photo Resources, Inc. - PPR Atlanta, GA, and pprpix
  388. Professional Photographic Images (PPI) Lab - Mobile, AL
  389. Profilmet - and Filmet - Pittsburgh, PA
  390. Pro Film Scans - Onsted, MI, by Russ Millett III
  391. AJ Purdy - UK - in liquidation
  392. PWDLabs - Atlanta, GA, was www.pwdlabs.com merged with photographer's edit
  393. Quality Camera - Atlanta, GA
  394. Reed Photo-Imaging - Denver, CO
  395. Reed's Camera - Walnut Creek, Calif.
  396. The Rental Equipment Co. - New York, NY
  397. Repro Images - Vienna, VA
  398. Resolution Rentals - Philadelphia, PA, redirects to lightbulrrentals
  399. Richmond Pro Lab - Richmond, VA
  400. Rieger Imaging - Rockville, MD
  401. Bob Rigby Photographic - UK
  402. Ritz Camera - and Ritzpix
  403. Ritz Collectibles - Phoenix, AZ
  404. River City Silver - San Antonio, TX
  405. RK Equipment - Mukileto, WA, used gear
  406. Roberts - Indianapolis, IN, was robertsimaging.com
  407. Robin Imaging Service - Cincinnati, OH
  408. Rockbrook Camera & Video - Omaha / Lincoln, NE
  409. Rocky Mountain Film Lab - Denver, CO, after more than 50 years closing its doors
  410. Rode's Camera Shop - Kenosha, WI, store destroyed by fire August 24, 2020
  411. Rowe Photo - Rochester, NY
  412. Royal We Film Lab - Oakland, Calif., film processing and scanning
  413. Rush Printing Services - Los Angeles, Calif.
  414. Ryther Camera - Linden, NJ
  415. Saber's Camera - Berkeley, Calif.
  416. Samy's Camera - Los Angeles
  417. San Jose Camera & Video
  418. ScanCafe - photo scanning service, Burlingame, Calif.
  419. Scan My Photos - Irvine, Calif., and twitter
  420. Schiller's - St. Louis
  421. Seawood Photo - San Rafael, Calif.
  422. Sedona Digital Print Service - Sedona, AZ
  423. Service Photo - Baltimore, MD
  424. Set Shop - backgrounds, studio stuff, NYC, NY
  425. SharperImagesNow - Brooklyn, NY, was sharperimagesnow.com
  426. Showcase Photographics - closed February 28, 2017, Atlanta, GA, was www.showcaseinc.com, and their www.theshowcaseschool.com Showcase School is now Atlanta School of Phoography
  427. Shriro Group - Hong Kong
  428. Shutterbug Digital Photo - Bowling Green, KY, Marilyn Baker, Owner, was shutterbugimages.com
  429. Shutterfly -
  430. Shutter Shack - Prince Rupert, B.C
  431. Silverprint - London
  432. Silvio's Photoworks - new & used, Torrence, Calif.
  433. Simply Color Lab - Akron, OH
  434. Skyggna Myndverk - Reykjavík, was skyggna.is
  435. Skylark Images - Santa Rosa, Calif., by Darren Briggs
  436. Snapstation - photo sharing
  437. Southbay Photo - Torrance, Calif.
  438. Southern Nikonos Service Center - Houston, TX
  439. Southern Photo Technical Service - N. Miami Beach, FL
  440. Star Camera Company - wet plate and daguerreotype cameras by Ray Morgenweck, Egg Harbor City, NJ
  441. Studio Style by Collector's Gallery - St. Charles, IL, and twitter
  442. Sukiya Camera - Japan
  443. Superior Photo Service- Morgantown, WV
  444. T and F Camera - est 1948, Vineland, NJ
  445. Tallyn's - Peoria, IL
  446. Stan Tamarkin - repair and rental, New York City
  447. Teamwork Photo - London, UK
  448. Technik Direkt - Germany
  449. Ted's Cameras - Melbourne, Australia
  450. Telefoto - Finland
  451. Tempe Camera - Tempe, AZ
  452. Tepper Companies - retiring, last update 2011, classic cameras,New Canaan, CT
  453. Tessar Photographics - Melbourne, Australia
  454. Texas Grip - Austin
  455. Thomas Distributing - Paris, IL, battery supplies
  456. Throop Photo - photofinishing, Ontario
  457. Titan Professional Photo Lab - Troy, MI
  458. Toronto Image Works
  459. Total Image Photo Imaging Center - Montgomery, AL, was capitolfilmworks.com
  460. Tri-State Camera - New York, NY, est 1977
  461. Tuefel - Salzburg, Austria
  462. Used Photo Pro - by Roberts Camera, Indianapolis, IN
  463. Van Tuil Photo and Imaging - Erie, PA
  464. Unique Photo - Florham Park, NJ
  465. United Camera and Binocular Repair - Bensenville, IL, redirects to PhotoTech Repair Service, NYC
  466. UsedCameraBuyer - Ashland, VA
  467. Used Photo Pro - part of Roberts Camera
  468. Vistek Camera - Toronto
  469. Visual Supply - San Francisco
  470. Walters Camera Repair - Los Angeles
  471. Walters Photo-Video - UK
  472. West Coast Imaging - Oakhurst, Calif.
  473. West Photo - Minneapolis, MN
  474. White House Custom Colour - St. Paul, MN
  475. Robert White - UK
  476. Wilcovak - Hoogeveen, The Netherlands, Diasec specialists
  477. Willoughby's - New York, NY
  478. Wings Camera - Atlanta, GA
  479. Wing Shing Photo Supplies - Hong Kong
  480. Wolf Camera - was Atlanta, GA, redirects to Ritz Camera
  481. Wolf Camera and Photo Design - Atlanta, GA
  482. Wolfe's Camera Shop - Topeka, KS, going out of business June 2021
  483. Woodland Hills Camera - Calif.
  484. Woodward Camera - Birmingham, MI, and twitter
  485. YM Camera - Youngstown, OH, since 1951
  486. Yodobashi Camera - Shinjuku, Japan
  487. York Photo Labs - redirects to snapfish.com
  488. Zacuto - Chicago, IL
  489. Zeff Photo - Bellmont, MA, closed after 75 years, was www.zeffphoto.com
photojournalism | camera manufacturers | product refs | organizations | academia
e-zines | stock agencies | newsgroups | studios-commercial | dealers-stores
fine artists | hobbyists | workshops-contests | hmmm

Copyright © 2025 Frank Niemeir
E-mail frank.niemeir@gmail.com